
Wednesday 22 August 2018

Keyhole Narrative

Once upon a time there was a man call Jake. He lived in a place called Earth. One day he was poor so he robbed the bank. He ran away and escaped then he decided to hide and sleep in the toilet so he didn’t  get caught by the police. As he looked inside the bag with all the money he picked out something that was really unusual. There seemed to be a red button .He pushed the red button, he teleport and landed at this viking place. He hid in fear.  And then he got found by a viking and the viking said what is in that bag your holding so he went and snitched the bag of money and looked inside the bag and he saw the millions of cash inside so he took Jake and the money back to Earth, and took him to the police so they took the money back to the bank and Jake got arrested and the viking saved the day as he returned back to his village as he helped everyone to be safe 5 years later Jake got released and never to be seen again the end .

today me and my peer edit partner. and we found that we had to put full stops and comers.

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