
Thursday 30 August 2018


Point of view of a person in the photo:

I’m  am looking at a little sheep that blessed
when he got closer.

Point of view of person taking the photo:
Cameraman:it’s looks like i’m angry at someone .

Planning and Writing

The Sheep’s point of view
As i slowly walked by this girl and he blessed
when he got closer going to the little  lamp
and then he got closer and then he sat down by a big tree.

Points of View

Miss West’s point of view

Wednesday 29 August 2018

Rolling Dice

this is my Rolling dice and i want to be better at being good and being smarter.

hope you enjoy

Wednesday 22 August 2018

Keyhole Narrative

Once upon a time there was a man call Jake. He lived in a place called Earth. One day he was poor so he robbed the bank. He ran away and escaped then he decided to hide and sleep in the toilet so he didn’t  get caught by the police. As he looked inside the bag with all the money he picked out something that was really unusual. There seemed to be a red button .He pushed the red button, he teleport and landed at this viking place. He hid in fear.  And then he got found by a viking and the viking said what is in that bag your holding so he went and snitched the bag of money and looked inside the bag and he saw the millions of cash inside so he took Jake and the money back to Earth, and took him to the police so they took the money back to the bank and Jake got arrested and the viking saved the day as he returned back to his village as he helped everyone to be safe 5 years later Jake got released and never to be seen again the end .

today me and my peer edit partner. and we found that we had to put full stops and comers.

Tuesday 21 August 2018

Dmic task 1

today this is what me and my group. it is about  what order we shell put it in. The thing that  i want to get better at being good with my group and listening to others. 

Cindy Lympics: Compare/Contrast

Friday 17 August 2018

flying free

this is my flying free task.

Movie Narrative

Once upon a time there was a boy named Billy. He went for a run through a haunted street. It was really quiet he felt scared and frightened and then he tripped over a crack and saw something in front of his face it was a suitcase. So he ran as fast as he could and then said hmm. what could it be talking to himself  so he opened the suitcase and he saw a tuxedo, with a gun and knife with blood stains on the gun and tuxedo and knife.

So he called the police and they arrived and saw the suitcase and they took some DNA tests. The next day they got some fingerprints and then the told him where did he founded the suitcase so he then showed them where he funded.      TO BE Continued.

Thursday 16 August 2018

immersion assembly.

Immersion Assembly

Welcome back! Who is excited for this term? We are going to leap into writing by creating
some exciting recounts about our immersion assembly!
WALT: plan for our writing

When we plan, we need to think about:
  • Who our audience is.
  • How we are going hook this audience in - how are we going to capture their attention
  • in a creative way?
  • How we are going to create a description of the event
  • which makes our audience feel like they were at the event too.
  • How we are going to keep our audience interested as they read.

Step 1: Brainstorm.
What you could include:
  • Descriptive words
  • Ideas for a hook
  • Key things you can remember from the assembly
    • What you enjoyed
    • What made you laugh

Step 2: Plan your own recount (double click on the drawing below).

Step 3: Write your recount!
Transition Words
Past tense
At first…
Once we…
Once I…
At last…
In the end…
You should be telling the audience what has already happened since we have already had Immersion Assembly!

If you can think of any others, use them! This is just to get you started.
When you are ready to post on your blog, use the pictures in our Pav Media Folder.

Start writing here: ON Monday we went to the hall and for a immersion assembly for this
team 1 was playing snap.and team 2 was doing a song on the stage.
when they were finish they did it faster and everybody was sleep.

When team 3 was talking using songs and team 4 was doing crazy music in there car.
At last the amazing team
five blow my mind with their lovely movie when we wore
sing let it go from frozen when the first part of the lion king.The End.

and this is my immersion assembly writing.

immersion assemble.

this is what i did with my plan.

Friday 3 August 2018

Dmic tacks 1

hi my name is Antzel and this is my Dmic tacks. next time i want to be good at it.

Thursday 2 August 2018


this s my Dmic work and i learnt how to solve out  1,000km